

Route POI
Index card


Meles meles

Among the large mammals that inhabit the Collsacabra area (up to 12 species of native large mammals have been detected), in this location, we will talk about the badger due to its characteristics.

The badger is an animal native to forests with steep slopes, such as in this area. It is difficult to see due to its nocturnal habits, which is why it is rarely seen in daylight.

It is an expert digger: it digs with its front paws and expels the soil with its hind legs. It makes large burrows with various galleries and different entrances and exits, creating over the years real labyrinths where it spends sunny days and winters.

The scientific name of the species (Meles meles) is derived from its fondness for honey and bees. It is an omnivorous animal and also feeds on insects, small mammals, reptiles, fruit, roots, etc.

Photo: Peter Trimming.
