

Route POI
Index card


Salamandra salamandra

"We are at a point where humidity is quite evident, making it an ideal habitat for amphibians like the salamander. The salamander is probably one of the most common and easy-to-spot urodeles, a type of amphibian with a tail.

Its larvae are easy to see almost all year round in places with clean water such as ponds, springs, and streams. Once a year, the females submerge part of their tail and lay the larvae, which, once fully developed, will leave the water and move to damp places within the forest, where males and females will live their entire lives."

Its appearance, with yellow spots on a black background, is used as a warning signal to potential predators since its skin contains small amounts of toxic substances that irritate the eyes and mouth of those who dare to approach.

ATTENTION: Under the rock shelter, GPS coverage is very unstable. You will need to find the path that goes up to the other side of the waterfall. Once on the other side, the path passes by the mill and is wider and more obvious.

Photo: Stefen Häuser.

