Boscs i prats a Abella. Parc Natural Capçaleres del Ter i del Freser
Vall del Ter de La Roca i Llanars fins a Camprodon.  Parc Natural Capçaleres del Ter i del Freser
La Roca i Llanars.  Parc Natural Capçaleres del Ter i del Freser
Camí de la Molsa. Vilallonga de Ter.  Parc Natural Capçaleres del Ter i del Freser

Itinerary 16. Moss' path in Vilallonga de Ter

Index card


Non-evergreens, meadows and places to live

With this turn for a small shade of the River Ter in Vilallonga de Ter is a pleasant walk under a deciduous forest, dotted with small meadows of grass and graze. Let's take a look at the difference between the mountain meadows and those of the valley bottom near the Ter. We will approach the Abella and La Roca centers to enjoy views of the valley and nearby mountains around Camprodon.

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  • Typology
    Anti-clockwise circular
  • Difficulty
  • Duration
    2 hours 30 minutes
  • Slope
    250.00 meters
  • Distance
    6.20 km
  • Theme
    Flora and fauna
    Architecture and environment
  • Activity
    By foot
  • Rating

Slope graph


Non-evergreens, meadows and places to live

We leave the Plaça dels Països Catalans (square) next to the church of Sant Martí de Vilallonga. We go down the town to cross the Ter and climb up the slope in front. The path, is firstly steep and then softens a bit.
We walk under a deciduous forest of ash trees, quinces and hazel trees. The first cherry-covered meadows soon appear.
Quickly, we turn to the obaga to enjoy views over the valley of Camprodon, but before going down, we will approach the beautiful village of Abella. Going up Pelanca Valley we would reach the Collada Verda to cross to Pardines. In front of us, we have the "obac" of Serra Cavallera that, in our sector, is the Pasteres and we see Puig del Pla de les Pasteres (1894m).
It is worth mentioning the beautiful scenery of non-evergreens alternating with grass meadows and beech cuttings and ash forests on the rightmost part of the hillside in front: the Puig Furgat (1302 m) and the Ventós (1246 m) at the height of La Roca de Pelanca, where we now head to. The Serra Cavallera behind it, starts loosing height over Camprodon.
We walk 100 meter down the road and, now, enjoying the Camprodon Valley and the villages, we go down to the first village we see: La Roca de Pelanca. Behind, we see Llanars and Camprodon.
We take the road and walk a few meters to La Roca. We take the opportunity to rest and stroll through its old town: the enclosed village, the remains of the castle, all with medieval scenary.

Let's go back a few meters on the way, now climbing, to take a nice path that, by the lower part of the former slope, under a turn of hazels and ash trees, next to the meadows of grass from the bottom of the valley , will return to Vilallonga de Ter. Before, however, we can make a last stop to take a drink of fresh water in the beautiful setting of the Font Negra (Black Fountain).




First part of the climb is quite long
Strong descent after Abella, going down to La Roca.
We recommend you to go to Abella.
Signs of the "Xarxa de Senders Itinerànnia": yellow stripes.


Fountains at the villages
Black and White beautiful fountains are at the end of the route.


Leave beef yarns closed.
Respect private property.
Careful with the local road sections.


Starting path track is quite rocky.
Return trail that can be slippery if it is very humid.
If it's raining, it may be muddy.


Suitable clothing for the time of year.
Comfortable Walking shoes.
(according to type of itinerary)
Treble poles can help you to have a steady pace.


Center squares of the villages of Vilallonga, Abella and La Roca.
There are poles with indications of distances and time in nearby villages.
There are tables in the Black Fountain area and is a very nice place.
Panel beside the river de Rutes a Cavall. There is a horse riding facility at Abella.

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What is there

What to see in: Itinerary 16. Moss' path in Vilallonga de Ter

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Point of interest
We have gained height quickly and this moves away from the riverside forest formed by willows and alder. Here you can still see some alder.
Above the riverside forest, when...


Point of interest
In these stone walls we see the smallest ferns we said before: falcons and polypods.
Let's talk about the aspen. It is the poplar that goes up higher on the montanese. The...

Ash Forest

Point of interest
We are now crossing a piece dominated by ash trees. However, we will find them all over the entire route. We have already told you that they are part of the strip of vegetation that...

The Cherry

Point of interest
Finally a view point where you can see the town of Vilallonga with the Puig de les Agudes on it and, deep down, the sector of the Concròs between the Costabona and Gra de Fajol.


Point of interest
Going down the alley you leave an unpaved road that reaches the Collada Verda going through the Pla de la Jaça (less transited than the track we have found when you turn towards the...

Camprodon Valley

Point of interest
Now, stop in the middle of the descent to enjoy the valley, its villages and the nearby reliefs.
In front of it, on the rock's cliff, the town of La Roca de Pelanca; Further...

Pelancà's The Rock 

Point of interest
Don't stay here, enter the old town. To the right, Pelanca's shoreline with a beautiful willow forest that, upstream brings us to Collada Verda.
Raised village, sheltered from...

Moss Path (Camí de la Molsa)

Point of interest
A beautiful path that, because of the "walls" that we find above and below, suggest that it had to be traveled thrugh long ago. These shady and humid walls serve as a support for the...

Meadows and cattle

Point of interest
We are at the bottom of the valley, on the flood plain of River Ter. The flat terrains, the "terraces" of the river, are fertile, accessible, with calm water and for that reason they...

Black and White Fountains

Point of interest
On the way here, we have been finding wooded trees such as peas and banana plantations for shade. These last ones have been used to give shade as you will see at the White Fountain. On...
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What to see in: Itinerary 16. Moss' path in Vilallonga de Ter

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What to do in: Itinerary 16. Moss' path in Vilallonga de Ter

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