Ruta a Núria

Meadow birds 

Route POI
Index card


Like plants, birds also vary depending on the landscape. 
Up here in the subalpine meadows, above the threshold of the black pine forest, we find birds of open spaces that like to be on the ground searching for seeds and small insects. They often take flight when we pass by, making them difficult to see from a distance. It's advisable to carry binoculars and focus on where they land once flushed 
We can enjoy the lark (foto) often in groups, which we can identify by its yellowish cap when it flies away frightened; the alpine accentor (foto) that moves up and down, stopping on some rocks; the grey wagtail, larger and grey with easily distinguishable black wings; the mistle thrush, as big as a turtledove, hopping on the ground looking for worms, seeds, or fruits and perching on the high tips of nearby pines,... among others.  
You should bring a simple mountain bird identification guide and binoculars with 10x magnification to fully enjoy the experience. 

fotos: Birding Catalunya
