

Route POI
Index card


​​​​​You are now on the Coll de Caterina and the first thing you will notice is probably the Hermitage of Santa Caterina in the foreground.  The Hermitage of Santa Caterina, nestling in the middle of the Montgrí Massif, was founded in around 1392 by three monks from Montserrat, Bartomeu Cabotes, Pere Trasió and Berenguer Desguell, in honour of Saint Catherine of Alexandria, co-patron of Torroella de Montgrí.

During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, famine, wars and epidemics made Santa Caterina an especially important place of popular devotion; for this reason, on 25 November, the saint’s day, people gather here to in honour of her, as the salvation of the town of Torroella de Montgrí from these scourges is attributed to her.

The views from the hill are spectacular. Looking down the Valley of Santa Caterina you can see the village of Albons and beyond it Viladamat. There are also views of Empuriabrava and the gulf of Roses with Sant Salvador and the peak of El Pení in the background. To the south there are views of Torroella and the course of the river Ter with Cap de Begur and the Gavarres mountains in the background.
