
Roman villa of Pla de Palol

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Roman villa of Pla de Palol, 1st century BC - 7th century AD.

The archaeological remains are only part of what was the large residential and agricultural complex of Pla de Palol. The residential part of the villa was affected by the urbanization process that transformed the area between the 50s and 80s. The roundabout, with terms recreation, wants to remember this most luxurious part of the villa. On the other hand, the conserved part that we see belongs to the rustic part of the exploitation. A space for storage of products such as cereals, oil and wine, which were partly conserved inside the “Dòlies”, the large jars that are observed on the ground.

The space is accessible to general public since the site is located in a urban park.

During the summer months, the tourist office organizes guided visits to the Roman villa of the Pla de Palol. 



Tourist Office of Platja d'Aro

Carrer Verdaguer 4

972 81 71 79



Vil·la romana Pla de Palol
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