Ribes del Ter. Natura 2000
Parc Ribes del Ter
Parc de les Ribes del Ter
Parc de la Devesa

La devesa and the ribes del ter park

Index card


This route will take you through two of the most important green areas in Girona: the parks of La Devesa and Les Ribes del Ter, both located in the north-west of the city, on either side of the River Ter.

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  • Typology
  • Difficulty
  • Duration
  • Slope
    7.00 meters
  • Distance
    3.20 km
  • Theme
    Flora and fauna
  • Activity
  • Rating


La Devesa is one of the most iconic and characteristic places in the city. It is a large park covering over 40 hectares of land, three quarters of which are covered by plane trees arranged in wide avenues, forming a total of six blocks.

On the other side of the river, the Ribes del Ter Park is a broad open space bordered by riverbank vegetation and located just in front of the Girona Fontajau Sports Hall. The park forms part of the natural area of Les Ribes del Ter, a wetland which includes the banks of the river as it flows through Girona. The fact that this well-preserved area forms part of the city centre makes it very important from an ecological and environmental point of view.




  • Traçat semiurbà, fàcil i adaptat per a persones amb cadires de rodes, cosa que no vol dir que es pugui presentar alguna dificultat mínima puntual. 
  • Pràcticament pla, no presenta forts desnivells.
  • En cas de fortes pluges, es poden formar bassals en  algun indret.


  • No hi ha punts d’aigua potable en tot el recorregut. Porteu almenys una cantimplora ben plena.


  • En cas de pluges abundants, el riu Ter augmenta el seu cabal. Absteniu-vos de baixar al llit del riu en cas de crescudes temporals.


  • Hi ha trams de camí que van pel mig de la devesa, amb força ombres. No obstant hi ha també trams exposats al sol. A l’estiu, poseu-vos protecció solar.


  • El terreny és gairebé sempre molt fàcil, amb trams de terra compactada. Només en cas de pluges prèvies, ens podem trobar amb alguns bassals.


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What is there

What to see in: La devesa and the ribes del ter park

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Point of interest

Aquest itinerari us permetrà conèixer dos dels principals pulmons verds de la ciutat, situats al nord-oest del nucli urbà de Girona: els parcs de la Devesa i de les Ribes del Ter, situats a banda i...

La Devesa Park

Point of interest

The name of the park comes from a common term which has become a proper name. The word “devesa” designates an area of land covered by natural vegetation, used for grazing and providing timber. This...

Botanical Gardens

Point of interest

The Gardens of La Devesa date from the 19th century, when gardens became fashionable places for the wealthier classes to take their walks. They were inspired by French models and still retain a...

The London Plane

Point of interest

The London Plane (Platanus hybrida) is the most commonly found tree in La Devesa, where over 2,600 specimens are to be found. It is a deciduous tree which normally grows as high as 40 metres. In La...

The uses of the park

Point of interest

La Devesa has multiple uses, combining nature activities, social and sporting events and economic initiatives which require suitable management to guarantee the conservation of the park’s natural and...

River Ter

Point of interest

The Ter passes through five of the counties of Girona for a total of 208 kilometres until it reaches the Mediterranean. It is a typical river of the Mediterranean region, flowing strongly in the...

The Ribes del Ter Park

Point of interest

The Ribes del Ter Park was created in the mid-1990s as part of the urban planning affecting the Fontajau sector and the construction of the sports hall as a way of organizing the area on the left bank...

"La família"

Point of interest

The metal sculpture group called La família by Xavier Corberó represents a picnic scene. The basket close to the family and the setting in the open air help to identify the actions of the rather...

Natura 2000 Network

Point of interest

The Ribes del Ter Park forms part of the natural area known as Les Riberes del Baix Ter, which includes all the lower part of the river in the Girona region and enjoys the protection of the European...

Bird Observatory

Point of interest

The presence of water and food and the sheltered habitat provided by the vegetation have made the banks of the river into areas of biodiversity, especially as far as birds are concerned. The Park of...

Riverside woodland

Point of interest

Many areas of woodland are to be found along the course of the river, populated by poplars, willows, alders and small-leaved ash trees. The riverbank woodland is one of the most productive and...

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What to see in: La devesa and the ribes del ter park

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What to do in: La devesa and the ribes del ter park

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