

Route POI
Index card


Dendrocopos major


Despite its popular name, the large woodpecker is smaller than the green woodpecker. The large woodpecker likes wooded environments, as in the case of the pine forest, and make their nests in the trunks of the trees, between 3 to 10 metres above the ground.


The easiest way to spot the large woodpecker, is the ringing of strain when he hits with his peak against the trunk, in sky epochs, to mark territory.


When he comes down to the trunk of a tree, he sticks his nails to the wood and holds by his tail, looking around him for a while.

It eats insects and larvae that captures with its long tongue from digging under the bark or wood. He also eats seeds and berries, and in the winter when insects are scarce, he also eats small pinions. Sporadically during the breeding season he can eat eggs of other species and even lice, in order to provide a good dose of protein to his diet.
