Ruta del nucli antic de Cabrera de Mar

Clos de Ca l’Arnau

Index card


In Ca l’Arnau, significant and well-preserved archaeological remains have been discovered, including the oldest Roman baths in the Iberian Peninsula and a Roman oven in excellent condition. The archaeological site was documented and delimited between 1997 and 1998, with the complete definition of the area not achieved until 2007. Remains from two different Roman periods have been found: the Roman baths from the end of the 2nd century BCE, when Ilturo served as a political and administrative center, and an area for the production of amphorae with an oven from the 1st century BCE in good condition. The presence of terraced houses suggests a unique urban organization. Ca l’Arnau is just one of the many sites that demonstrate the presence of ancient Roman Ilturo, with a current extension of more than three hectares."
