
Cornil's Castle

Route POI
Index card


QR right below. Let's go down these stone stairs. We enter the oak grove and before we reach the signpost, it seems that we are walking over a rock bridge. On the left side you will see a small group of oak trees growing out of the rock. Look at the bottom of the logs behind them.

We are in the small way that separates the Puig de la Força from the Pla del Castell (the castle's plain) and right in front we can see the remains of the Cornil Castle, just a bit camouflaged. From the remains of the castle, you can distinguish the walls that formed the base of the defense wall and a squared piece that could be a tower.

Documented for the first time in 917, the remains of the castle are popularly attributed to the Tavertet family. It was the residence of the lords until they moved to the Castle farmhouse, closer to Tavertet.

In 1472 it was still standing after the end of the war between the Generalitat and King Joan II.
