

Route POI
Index card


The Barraca de la Vaquerissa. On the panel it says: 1932 Toful. The roof is closed with a flat slab and covered by a beautiful gleva of celebrations. Inside, it has three closets. These shepherds' huts reflect the times when the care of the flock obliged them to make stays at the mountains, and the means of transport did not allow them to  return every evening to the village. They served as shelter both for rain and sun, for sleeping or for storing [XG5] utensils or salt.
Under the Puig de Dòrria, it is a good viewpoint of the soft glacial type relief of the of the Puigmal sector forming valleys in a U form, under the glacial cirques such as the Estremera.
The views to the south reach Montseny and Taga and Serra Cavallera. Below our beautiful Estremera gorge with the Tosa river that leads to Queralbs.
We are in [XG6] a good point to observe the open space birds. Grasses of yellow beak, vultures or golden eagles and possibly some bearded vultures around our head. By land some muddy terrains.
Marmots plains also abound around here and chamois are not too far away.