
Sant Pau de Fontclara

Route POI
Index card


Fontclara, which belongs to the municipality of Palau-sator, is a small hamlet which is very well looked after thanks to the phenomenon of holiday homes and second homes. It has a pleasant and uncrowded aspect, and is quite tranquil. Partly hidden in a small square, the Church of Sant Pau de Fontclara is especially interesting. This was originally built in the eleventh century with an apse and structures in Romanesque form, although the vault and the front portal at least are from the Gothic and baroque periods respectively. It used to belong to an old Benedictine monastery which already existed in the ninth century, but towards the end of the twelfth century it is mentioned as a parish church. The Romanesque mural paintings in the presbytery stand out, although they are difficult to see as it is necessary to get permission to visit the church.