
The old village of Ullà II

Route POI
Index card


You now re-enter Ullà, almost ready to end the itinerary, to see the part of the village you did not see at the start. You enter from the Camí de la Resclosa, on Carrer de Joan Maragall and Carrer del Torrent.

From this last street, turn left onto Carrer dels Bous, where it is worth looking at the house at number 7, which used to be a convent. It has a large portal with a basket-handle arch and a coat of arms with the name of Pere Curet and the date 1648, and a Latin inscription on the lintel of a window of the attached building. The openings are Renaissance-baroque in style.

Now head into the Plaça de l’Ajuntament and take Carrer de la Volta, passing under some houses, where it is worth looking at beautifully-restored number 6, the best example in the village with a round arched doorway and old and well-positioned stone blocks. On the lintel of one of the windows, beautifully framed with carved stone, there is a record of its construction in 1702.

When you reach Plaça de Catalunya, which you passed through earlier, turn to the right taking the first stretch of the Carrer de la Muntanya as far as the first alley on the right, which leads back to the start point of the route.
