Rutes a Platja d'Aro

Cork tree forest

Route POI
Index card


Pines and corktrees grow together on the whole hill. We have seen some beautiful trees, but others, like these, are small and often have several roots. These are saplings from a forest that has perhaps been burnt or cleared, and this reforestation must now grow on poor, stony and dry soil.

The cork tree forests are characteristic on these sandy soils, rich in silicon dioxide, in a moderate and relatively rainy climate. The species that co-exist with the cork oaks are similar to those of the coast oaks, but may vary where the forest has changed, as here. This is why today we find mainly Tree Heather, Spanish Lavender, Mastic and Cistus Albidus.

These are perfect forests to find high-prized mushrooms such as the Ou de Reig, the Caesar’s mushroom (Amanita Caesarea). At sunset we can see huge beetles flying around. These are the Great Capricorn Beetles (dark, almost black, with long, thin antennae) and the European Stag Beetle (dark brown, with jars resembling a deer's skull).
