
Can Terrés

Route POI
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Can Terrés was the second residence of Magdalena Terrés and her son Ramonet. Later on, the house was rented to several tenants and finally, in 1991 Leopoldo Ortega-Monasterio (president of the Spanish Society of Forensic Psychiatry and university professor) bought it, who commissioned a renovation and kept it in its original use, as a second residence.

The renovation preserved the hydraulic pavements and the general structure of the building.

The project was designed by the prestigious architect Melcior Vinyals from Barcelona (1878-1938), who conceived the building on four floors.

The house, despite being modernist, is of a certain austerity. The architect calculated all the details and, despite the general simplicity, ends up crowning the façade with a crown that alternates the straight line with the curve and gives it dynamism.
