Ermita documentada del 1328. Reconstruïda el 1587. D'una sola nau quadrangular i de paret de pedra. Té presbiteri amb volta de tres trams. Presenta una petita espadanya sense campana. La portada és...
És una de les masies més antigues i representatives del poble per la seva proximitat al nucli urbà.Es creu que data del s. XIII. Formada per tres cossos: la casa gran, la petita i can Xiroi.
The old pottery factory, popularly known as Cal Gerrer, was renovated in 1885 by Pere Arpí, son of the first owner, Francesc Arpí. He made use of the residual pottery pieces to form an eclectic facade...
The arcaded houses were part of the nucleus of the town in Sant Pere d'Octavià. Next to it, where the municipal market is currently located, was the parish church of the town, dedicated to Saint Peter...
The Can Vernet Bridge is an aqueduct that the Monastery built in the 14th century to carry water from the Monks' Mine to the Monastery. It was part of the water supply system in the Royal Monastery...
The ‘Bodega Cooperativa’ is a project led by Cèsar Martinell. It was commissioned by the farmers’ union and the rural fund of San Medí -an association that brings together a large part of the local...
The chapel was built during the end of the 17th or early 18th century, on the old ‘Camino dels Monjos’ (monks’ pass). It consists of a small nave with a barrel vault and a porch hanging over the...
The construction of the monastery of Sant Cugat d’Octavià dates back to the 9th century, when Benedictine monasticism expanded throughout Catalonia under the impetus of the French monarchy. During the...