Hortes de Santa Eugènia. Girona
Devesa de Salt
Aiguamolls de Santa Eugènia. Girona

Hortes de Santa Eugènia and the meadows of Salt

Index card


This route, shared between Girona and Salt, will allow you to discover the agricultural space of the Hortes de Santa Eugènia (Santa Eugènia vegetable gardens) and the natural area of the meadows of Salt (Deveses de Salt), following the course of the river Ter. Part of the itinerary overlaps with the Carrilet Greenway, which runs from Olot to Girona.

We recommend the Local Natura App to do this route. Download it for free here:

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  • Typology
    Time Circular
  • Difficulty
  • Duration
  • Slope
    6.00 meters
  • Distance
    6.30 km
  • Theme
    Architecture and environment
  • Activity
  • Rating

Slope graph


This route, shared between Girona and Salt, will allow you to discover the agricultural space of the Hortes de Santa Eugènia (Santa Eugènia vegetable gardens) and the natural area of the meadows of Salt (Deveses de Salt), following the course of the river Ter. Part of the itinerary overlaps with the Carrilet Greenway, which runs from Olot to Girona.

The vegetable gardens of Santa Eugènia are located to the west of the city of Girona, between the neighbourhood of Santa Eugènia (formerly the village of Santa Eugènia de Ter) and the right bank of the river Ter. The type of agriculture practised in this space has evolved as a result of the social changes its surroundings have undergone. The area is currently used for social gardens rather than market gardens.

The meadows of Salt are of great ecological value, and an ideal place to enjoy nature walks.

This itinerary which is approximately 7,5 km in long, is flat and practicable for persons with reduced mobility. This means that there may be certain isolated difficulties, but the route is usable. Most of the itinerary is on compacted but non-asphalted earth. There are a few areas that are irregular or where there are stones and/or sand.

The information contained in this brochure is available on the Natura Local app, complete with audio descriptions, subtitles and sign-language interpretation.




  • Traçat fàcil i adaptat per a persones amb cadires de rodes, cosa que no vol dir que pot presentar alguna dificultat mínima puntual. La major part dels camins són de terra compactada però no asfaltats, puntualment amb algun sector amb irregularitats o amb presència de pedres i/o sorra.
  • No presenta forts desnivells.
  • En cas de fortes pluges, es poden formar bassals als camins.
  • El tram que coincideix amb la Via Verda d’Olot a Girona, cal estar atents a la circulació de bicicletes. 


  • No hi ha punts d’aigua potable en tot el recorregut. Porteu almenys una cantimplora ben plena.


  • En cas de pluges abundants, el riu Ter augmenta el seu cabal. Absteniu-vos de baixar al llit del riu en cas de crescudes temporals.


  • Hi ha breus trams de camí que van pel mig de la devesa, amb força ombres. No obstant hi ha també trams exposats al sol. A l’estiu, poseu-vos protecció solar.


  • El terreny és gairebé sempre molt fàcil, amb trams de terra compactada. Només en cas de pluges prèvies, ens podem trobar amb alguns bassals.


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What is there

What to see in: Hortes de Santa Eugènia and the meadows of Salt

Es mostren 1 - 11 de 11


Point of interest

Aquest recorregut, compartit entre Girona i Salt, us permetrà conèixer l’espai agrícola de les hortes de Santa Eugènia i l’espai natural de les Deveses de Salt tot seguint la ribera del Ter, amb un...

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Santa Eugènia’s public wash-house

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Lloc molt bonic, no té les 5 estrelles per la quantitat de gent.

What to see in: Hortes de Santa Eugènia and the meadows of Salt

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What to do in: Hortes de Santa Eugènia and the meadows of Salt

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