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The Arborètum Park borders the Passeig d’Antoni Gaudí. In the park we find a set of four specimens of cerrioid oaks, native to the Collserola’s forests of Collserolaforests. These are oaks that have been left in areas of old margins and outside the urbanization processes processed of roads and streets with buildings. That is why they could be integrated into the current Arboretum Park as an example of native trees, adapting the levels of land and relief of construction of the park, to the level of its trunks’ the base. of its trunks.

Oaks are trees that hybridize easily and cerrioid oak (Quercus cerrioides) is a good example. In this case a hybrid between the holm oak (Quercus pubescents) and the small-leaved oak (Quercus faginea), presenting mixed characters between the two species. Despite being a deciduous species, the leaves often remain dry on the tree throughout the winter (rot).
