Ruta de Espinavell a Coll Pregon.  P. N. de Capçaleres del Ter i del Freser
Index card


Spectacular views to the south in the direction of Alta Garrotxa, Collsacabra and to Montseny if the sky is clear.
This ridge is ideal for pasturing and managing herds of cows and horses.
Folds, movable or fixed, are of great importance for collecting and concentrating the herd for its handling: treatment, marking, etc. These structures can be more complex when they need to be used to pick cattle. A hallway appears and they are called hoses. Under the rafts of Puig Sec, in the direction of the Torre de Mir, there is one.
The huts first and the shelters thereafter are from the age when you had to stay in the mountains to keep an eye on the herds every summer, but today the proximity of roads and off-road vehicles means that young ranchers are not there.
Cattle stay in July, August and September, and until a few years ago, they were still monitored by the Cisco del Carol, Molló's latest eugassist. At the end of September, for Sant Miquel, the cattle owners go to Rojà to collect the mares and horses. The transhumance from Rojà ends again in the municipality of Molló, near the Costabona, where they wait until 13th October to take them to the Espinavell fair.
For Sant Eduard, on the 13th October, the ranchers accompany horses, mares and craters in the Plains of Espinavell. Once all the deals are closed, the herdsmen separate the mulates (pups or chickens) from the mares and horses, hence the name Mulats Tria, and once separated they return to the pastures near the Costabona, where they wait for their transfer to the pens and in the meadows, near the farmhouse of its owners.