Btt 1. Escapada a Pau per Vilaüt
Btt 1. Escapada a Pau per Vilaüt
Rutes en bici per Roses i els aiguamolls
Btt 1. Escapada a Pau per Vilaüt
Rutes en bici per Roses i els aiguamolls

BTT Roses - Vilaüt

Index card


An easy route, suitable even for families, that allows you to take in two very different and, at the same time, neighbouring landscapes.

The first part is flat, agricultural wetlands, with ponds, pasture, and meadows, towards Lake Vilaüt where you can enjoy the most unspoilt landscapes of the Aiguamolls de l'Empordà.

Next, you approach the lower part of the Serra de Rodes, passing through the beautiful village of Pau and, if you wish, Palau-Saverdera, to discover rougher landscapes, where the cultivation of olive trees takes centre stage, and with views over the Alt Empordà plain.


We recommend the Local Natura App to do this route. Download it for free here:

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  • Typology
    Time Circular
  • Difficulty
  • Duration
    2 hours 30 minutes
  • Slope
    200.00 meters
  • Distance
    25.00 km
  • Theme
  • Activity
    By bike
  • Rating

Slope graph

Ruta en BTT de Roses a Pau


  • When you leave the Ciutadella, you have to cross the road by a pedestrian crossing.
  • At the start, you’ll find the ford across the Riera de la Trencada stream which may be flowing with water if it has rained the day before.
  • Take care at the various points where you cross county roads.
  • The farm tracks can be used by people, bicycles or farm vehicles.
  • Respect the rules of the Aiguamolls Natural Park when you enter the Nature Reserve area.
  • You can’t take your cycles right up to the door of the hide at Lake Vilaüt.
  • Respect the livestock and do not leave gates or fences open.
  • Be careful when passing through the town of Pau as the streets are narrow.

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What is there

What to see in: BTT Roses - Vilaüt

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The Ciutadella, or Citadel

Point of interest

The Ciutadella, or Citadel, is a Renaissance fortification. Beneath the ground in the enclosure is an archaeological site with a wide historical range, from the 4th century BC to the 19th century...

The Basses de les Garrigues

Point of interest

Set of three ponds or ‘basses’ formed by quarrying activity (aggregates), which are part of the Aiguamolls de l'Empordà Natural Park.

The Closes

Point of interest

The ‘closes’ or enclosed meadows are the whole set of marshy fields which can easily become flooded after rain, very directly connected to the natural system of wetlands.

Rocky outcrops

Point of interest

Up to now, between the plains, we have found two types of tree plantation. The reforestation of aleppo pine and stone pine, with heather and a scrubland of rock rose together with rosemary and other...

Lake Vilaüt

Point of interest

It offers an example of what the landscape would have been like throughout the wetlands.

The Vineyard

Point of interest

At the beginning of the 18th century, the cultivation of cereals dominated, double that of olive groves and with one-third of the area given over to vineyards. However, in the middle of the century...

The Olive Groves

Point of interest

The oil that was produced was highly prized and was sold at the market in Figueres or was exported through the ports of the coastal towns.


Camí Vell or Old Road

Point of interest

Seeing these paths flanked by stone walls is very impressive, but the dry stone walls were also built to delimit farmsteads or to retain the soil, and even to create cultivable land on the steep...

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What to see in: BTT Roses - Vilaüt

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What to do in: BTT Roses - Vilaüt

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