
Sant Medir pel pantà de Can Borrell

Index card


Shaded slopes, crests and valleys This comprehensive route begins at the Parc Rural de Torre Negra, before heading into the Parc de Collserola via Can Borrell. From this point, a shady and cosy, though demanding, initial stretch gives way after crossing the Rabassada hills to another easier and more popular section featuring architectural heritage sites, leading on to Sant Medir and then back to the starting point, along the banks of the Riera de Sant Medir.

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  • Typology
    Anti-clockwise circular
  • Difficulty
  • Duration
    2 hours 10 minutes
  • Slope
    195.00 meters
  • Distance
    6.20 km
  • Theme
    Flora and fauna
    Architecture and environment
  • Activity
    By foot
  • Rating

Slope graph


Shaded slopes, crests and valleys This route can be started at the roundabout at Forat d'en Bocàs, at the entrance to the Parc Rural de Torre Negra, following the path as far as Can Borrell, via the historic pine tree known as the Pi d'en Xandri. You could otherwise drive as far as Can Borrell via Cerdanyola. If you are leaving from Sant Cugat, you should add another hour to your journey time. One of the most traditional outings leading into the Parc de Collserola is to follow the watercourse of the Riera de Sant Medir along the Vall de Gausac, as far as the hermitage of the same name. This also offers the added benefit of crossing through the Parc Rural de Torre Negra, with glimpses of the agricultural landscapes bordering the town and the massif, while also taking in such local landmarks as the Pi d'en Xandri and the old fortress of Torre Negra. From Can Borrell, though, we suggest heading to the Hermitage of Sant Medir along pathways that plunge through the undergrowth of holm oaks which are now beginning to make their mark. Surrounded by viburnum, heather and shrubs, clumped together in the shaded and damp corners, but more thinly spread along the crests and sunny slopes. The route passes by a distinctive small lake, before climbing up and over the crest of the Rabassada hills, creating the impression of having clambered over the very heart of the massif. Here the route then heads back down along a path in rather poor condition, dropping steeply towards the Hermitage of Sant Medir, where you can take a breather at the fountain alongside. The track then continues gently downhill along the popular Camí de Sant Medir as far as Sant Cugat, on the banks of the watercourse, taking in the holm oaks and the colours of the plane trees in autumn along some sections, as well as the oak trees which dot the woodland. One final and unmissable stop is the Hermitage of Sant Adjutori (5 min) and the Ancient Iberian Oven alongside, linked by a pretty track lined with hazelnut trees.


LAYOUT You can begin the route at the Forat d'en Bocàs roundabout, by taking the footpath to Can Borrell. (The two legs will take a good hour more). We preferred here to start at Can Borrell. To reach it by car, enter via Cerdanyola. There are two clearly distinct parts. An initial section along the pretty, narrow pathways leading to Sant Medir, and a second section along a comfortable track leading back to the starting point. At the siding leading to the Cal Castillo Zoo you will need to decide whether to take this route or head down to the reservoir dam. If you turn off here there is no need to retrace your steps, as you can join up with the track beyond the zoo. The climb up the shaded side of the Rabassada hills is steep and fairly lengthy. Don't worry. Make sure not to miss out on a visit to Sant Adjutori and the Ancient Iberian Oven. The park is signposted, with tracks leading back to Can Borrell. WATER There is a water fountain at Sant Medir. PRECAUCIONS You are within the Parc de Collserola here, and must comply with the instructions for visitors. Follow the directions around the Can Borrell reservoir. Avoid trespassing, as the route runs alongside a number of farmhouses. Tricky descent to Sant Medir. Path in poor condition. WEATHER Wear clothing appropriate for the season. Avoid this route after rainfall. TERRAIN Although it is a simple walk, care is needed on both the ascents and descents given the state of the tracks. We have therefore rated it as moderate difficulty. Sturdy footwear. Rocky terrain where it is easy to slip. EQUIPMENT Poles will be useful to help keep you steady on the descent to Sant Medir, and provide support on the climbs. Photographic equipment. OTHER AMENITIES Make sure not to miss out on the sites of the Sant Adjutori and the Ancient Iberian Oven. There are picnic tables in Sant Medir. A number of the farmhouses along the route have a restaurant service.

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What is there

What to see in: Sant Medir pel pantà de Can Borrell

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Point of interest

El bosc general que trobarem en aquest itinerari correspon a l’obaga de Collserola i es caracteritza per ser una pineda amb un alzinar emergent (més o menys desenvolupat) a sota seu, esquitxat d’algun...


Point of interest

Sup. 0.2 ha. Actualment en desús. Es va construir per proporcionar aigua a la masia de Can Borrell, i està situat al torrent de la Rabassada, uns centenars de metres abans d'on aquest desemboca a la...


Point of interest

Hi ha llocs on la presència de pi baixa. Les espècies de rebrot, tant d’arbres com arbusts, han guanyat terreny. Trobem aquí un bosc d’alzines que s’ajusta a un alzinar mediterrani, tant pel que fa a...


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Allà on les capçades dels arbres són més lleugeres. On la densitat és més baixa perquè el bosc va ser més explotat, els arbusts d’ambients secs i oberts van colonitzar el terreny. La brolla d’arbusts...

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La serra de Collserola està formada majoritàriament per esquists i pissarres. Fixeu-vos al llarg de camí i veureu l'estructura laminar que caracteritza les pissarres. D’aquí una estona, quan baixem a...

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Sant Medir

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Església parroquial que pertanyia al Monestir de Sant Cugat. Data del s. XI. És d’origen romànic, però molt transformada, amb un relleu gòtic del 1447. Té planta rectangular, volta de canó i campanar...


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(Juglans regia). En aquests ambients humits i frescals, altres arbres, probablement plantats per l’home, troben bones condicions per créixer. És el cas d’aquesta noguera al costat esquerre del camí...


Point of interest

Al llarg de la riera de Sant Medir, anem trobant una vegetació diferent dels boscos de la serra. Són majoritàriament arbres caducifolis, de caràcter centreeuropeu que a la tardor, dibuixen una bonica...

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Si despres et quedas a dinar... flipas

Per passar una bona estona

hay que tener cuidado en el punto del Pinar, el camino de desvia a la izquierda y no se ve muy bien al principio.

una excursio maca amb 2 nens de 10 anys
Nosaltres l'hem fet a l'inrevés i veritablement ha estat un encert. A l'estiu amb la calor se suporta millor. És una ruta molt maca, llàstima del tram que va de Can Borrell fins a Sant Medi que et trobes moltes bicicletes però bé. La vàrem fer el 25/6.

What to see in: Sant Medir pel pantà de Can Borrell

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What to do in: Sant Medir pel pantà de Can Borrell

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