Capçalera del Ter. Setcases des dels Socarrats
Gencianes i murs de pedra a Setcases
Camins vells a Setcases
Bedollar a Setcases
Cim del Castell del Moros i Serra Cavallera al fons.
Puig de Pastuira, 2439 m. Setcases

Itinerary 12: Trail from Socarrats to Beduis

Index card


Pastures nearby

We suggest to walk and see the areas where people from Setcases previously took their cattle to graze. We will go where people met to work and we will see remains of their activities: stone walls, cottages and huts, which are sunk today. On the top of the fields, open views of the nearby mountains, and if you look down, enjoy the views of the valley and Setcases.

We recommend the Local Natura App to do this route. Download it for free here:

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  • Typology
    Anti-clockwise circular
  • Difficulty
  • Duration
    2 hours
  • Slope
    345.00 meters
  • Distance
    3.70 km
  • Theme
    Flora and fauna
  • Activity
    By foot
  • Rating

Slope graph


Pastures nearby

Circular route with views of Setcases village and its surrounding mountains. We descend through the village, across the Setcases bridge which goes over the river Ter, to find the old road of Vilallonga de Ter. Nice and strong way up through different fields of hay, dry wall margins and walls that prevent livestock from entering the fields and ancient farming surfaces, hidden in the woods today, which climb up the mountain.

Going up through the shade of hazel, birch and aspen, we will find "windows" to enjoy the view to the south, towards Cavallera mountains and "Moros" Castle. After a healthy effort to reach "les closes del Morral", where there is a beautiful shrub.

Turn north through the shrub between us, to get to the fields of "Beduis" first and then "Socarrats". One of the places where the ancient inhabitants of Setcases went to the field and took the cattle to graze. The top of the route, opens the views across the valley and is easy to detect large birds of prey such as vultures flying over us. Pastures are the best place to enjoy the mountain blooms, that attract butterflies. Large gentians and orchids which are everywhere are a very good sample of this.

During the tour we will discover old torn down shacks were farmers kept their utensils and covered from the rain. The Socarrats' cottage, of considerable dimensions, suggests that they were little cottages, rather than simple shelter.

From here, we gradually start going down to the village with beautiful views of the valley and going through pine forests with hazel and ashes on the wettest lands. We arrived to the Creueta neighborhood, crossing the Xacó and afterwards the Perer bridges.





  •  You can do it in both direction. In any case, the initial climb is considerable. The views that you get of Setcases and Ulldeter are more natural in the proposed direction.
  • Blue dots will be the signs that you will see. This are the ones that identify the path, the rest go elsewhere.
  • Some parts of the road that goes up to Les Closes del Morral can have tall grass. Take as reference the wall to the side and move between them.  



  • No fountain within the tour.
  • Just after Xecó bridge (following the direction of the proposed route), turn right, going along the stream and in a few meters we find the Boixat fountain.  



  • Its better if you have long trousers. The grass can be high and you can get stinct by insects.
  • The initial climb (both sides) is strong. Adjust the pace and do not get too tired yet.
  • If you go down Les Closes del Morral, pay attention to the path so you don't slip.  



  • You are in the mountains. Ensure a good weather forecast in the morning.
  • Always wear sun protection when you go to the mountain.  



  • Easy, come rocky sections.
  • Crossing the pasture fields might be annoying if it has rained  



  • Protective clothing (wind, rain, cold) depending on the weather forecast.
  • Comfortable and durable shoes.
  • Binoculars to watch birds. Guide to know the flowers and herbs in the Pyrenees.
  • Camera.



  • There are panels on the Jepet bridge which give information about the carriers (traginers).
  • When taking up the path there is a panel that shows the Catalonia Tourist trails in the valley of Camprodon. We take the first section of the road coming down to Vilallonga de Ter.
  • When you get to the top, before going down, there are shaded places where to stop to make a meal.

Save the route

What is there

What to see in: Itinerary 12: Trail from Socarrats to Beduis

Es mostren 1 - 12 de 12

Dry stone

Point of interest
The dry stone constructions are present in the sorroundings of the villages. Walls, margins and huts are the most frequent.
This road, where cattle were took walked up, is...

Hazel and aspen

Point of interest
We are at the mounted hillside, along the rivers, streams and holes, cool environments, dominate the deciduous forest.
In this route, the most representative plants are the...

Yellow gentian

Point of interest
Beginning of July; In these small clearings of the path we have found the beautiful and well-known genciana vera. (foto). Yellow flower gentian. In fact, in all the fields that we will...

Closes del Morral

Point of interest
We are in Morral, under the peak of the Agudes at 1976 m. Just a moment ago we left the road towards Vilallonga. Now turn left to end up at Beduis camps.
Les Closes are...

Beduis field

Point of interest
We are at Beduis' fields, in the Socarrats sector, beneath the Agudes hill. Meadows, bundles and even sensed shacks torn down. Above the pine forest you see, the subalpine grasslands...

Black pine forest

Point of interest
At this level, the black pine country begins, which can reach 2,200 meters. In fact, where there is none, it is because the man has cut them favoring pastures. Here, you coexist with the red...

The fraxinus forest

Point of interest
We just crossed the Socarrats pit. These guidelines loops and cool environments, favor the presence of ash groves. It is a forest that marks the transition between riverside forests...


Point of interest
In front of the background, from left to right, we see the peak of Coma Ermada 2502m; Peak "De La Dona" 2704m and the "Gra de fajol" 2708m. To the left, Setcases, Puig of Pastuira...

Cabin Socarrats (Cabana de Socarrats)

Point of interest
These buildings are more than just a shelter. Designed for prolonged stays near the cattle. Sleeping, eating, store utensils, salt, etc. Even some could establish an animal that needed...


Point of interest
The meadows, the clearings and the edges of the road are the best place to enjoy the subalpine mountain blooms.
There are so many that you must take a flower guide to identify...


Point of interest
Some "windows" between the vegetation allows us to see beautiful views of Setcases.
The Puig de Pastuira, 2,349 m, over the village, and at the bottom of the valley the Puig...

Xecó bridge

Point of interest
We arrive to Setcases across the Vall-llobre torrent. We make it by the Xecó bridge and then cross the river Ter, going through the Jepet bridge. All under the picturesque neighborhood...
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Per fer l'excursió sense problemes, recordeu que cal que us baixeu la ruta en un lloc amb cobertura, ja sigui el poble o el wifi d'algun dels seus establiments.
Un cop baixada i guardada, quan aneu a fer-la només cal que la obriu directament clicant el botó de Rutes Guardades que surt al començament, en obrir l'aplicació.
Per poder veure els planols quan navegeu off-line, cal que quan consulteu la ruta estant en cobertura, cliqueu el botó de Fer Ruta i visualitzeu el seu recorregut amb el plànol i feu acostaments i allunyaments. Aquestes imatges del planol, queden a la memòria temporal del telèfon i són les que podreu veure quan navegueu la ruta off-line a la muntanya.

Que en gaudiu !!

Ruta més difícil del que sembla, la pujada inicial és força llarga i pronunciada, el gràfic del desnivell enganya una mica al partir de 0m.
Ruta més difícil del que sembla, la pujada inicial és força llarga i pronunciada, el gràfic del desnivell enganya una mica al partir de 0m.

What to see in: Itinerary 12: Trail from Socarrats to Beduis

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What to do in: Itinerary 12: Trail from Socarrats to Beduis

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