Ruta del nucli antic de Cabrera de Mar

El santuari del Clos de Can Modolell

Index card


The relevance of this site as a rural temple with social and economic appeal would transcend the local scope of Iluro. Founded in the 1st century AD, the complex was renovated in the second half of the same century with a monumental staircase and a turret-like structure. Over nearly two centuries of worship, various offerings, including furniture and decorative marble objects, were made, with certain altars standing out. It was finally abandoned in the 3rd century. Materials recovered during excavations between 1974 and 1984 by the archaeological section of the Museum of Mataró are currently preserved at the comarcal museum. Attributed to deities like Saturn and Silvanus, the cult of Mithras is also suggested based on an inscription referring to Kautes, a companion of Mithras; however, there is no scientific consensus on this point. The occupation of the space was prolonged, and excavations have documented living and storage areas thereafter. Additionally, various burials have been found, and there is the potential existence of a chapel dedicated to Sant Joan, mentioned in documents dating from 1025 to 1304.
