This round trip through the Vall de Montjoi invites us to discover the wild and lonely landscape of these lands and their cultural heritage. Below the small plain of...
A family route that will allow us to walk or cycle along the seafront promenade of Roses, between the mouth of the Rio Grande and the Lighthouse of Roses.
This brief, round trip - a short walk suitable for all ages - allows us to get to know the Castrum Visigothic or the village of Puig Rom a little better...
This route will take you through two of the most important green areas in Girona: the parks of La Devesa and Les Ribes del Ter, both located in the north-west of the city, on either side of the River...
La sortida de Girona transcorre pel carril bici de la riba esquerra delTer. Ens espera una etapa molt bonica, amb presència d’extenses plantacions de plàtans i pollancres que se...
Aquest tram de la Ruta del Ter, l’iniciem a Ripoll i el finalitzem a Manlleu. Pel camí, passarem per paisatges ben diversos. En alguns punts, enfilant-nos a un nivell...
This itinerary will reveal the importance of industry and vegetable gardens (Hortes, in catalan) for the old village of Santa Eugènia de Ter, which is currently one of the most popular quarters of the...