

Index card


On the southern slope, we can see small black pine (Pinus uncinata) (foto) and juniper bushes (Juniperus communis). They tell us that this habitat is very hard.
During the whole year, the wind blows hard and, in winter, the accumulation of snow and cold makes it easy for them to be buried by the snow and do not die frozen. On the oblique slope, from the summit of Cerverís, it is observed that there is no formation of scrubs or trees, they are simply alpine meadows. We must bear in mind that many of these meadows, long ago, were forests and that human action and pasture have favored the meadows. Naturally, the upper limit of the black pine forest would be at 2300-2400 m and now we are at 2050 m. It is true, however, that if the conditions are tough, this limit is lower.
Do you know any drink with the name of the juniper? Exactly, Gin (In catalan ginebró and ginebra, respectively). It is a diocesan bush (separate sexes), and on the female foot the fruits are picked, from which gin is made, but it also has many other uses. In the kitchen, the fruits accompany meats, sauces and fillings. In medicine, the genus leaves were traditionally used to infuse them, as a diuretic, to lower blood pressure, and as a powerful expectorant.