The cultivation of the olive tree was and still is of great importance in this land and it would be wrong not to mention it.
The olive tree (Olea europaea) is a species of tree native to the Mediterranean which is of great importance to the cultures and civilizations that have developed there. It has been proven that it was already used in the Iberian culture for its wood for making objects and for its fruit for making oil. There is no lack of the Iberian culture in the area with the village of Ullastret, the largest in Catalonia, and other nearby settlements. This is certainly a very ancient crop here and it would become more important with the arrival of the Greek culture in Empúries, where coins with designs featuring olive branches have been found. It was not just of economic important but also symbolic as the winners of the Olympics were crowned with its branches.
In the past, the Puig de la Font Pasquala was an area with olive trees but the rural exodus has led to pine groves dominating the scenery.