Brolla amb pi pinyer
Antiga estació del carrilet a Castell d'Aro
Camí entre oliveres

Itinerary Fountain’s Trail

Index card


Circular route that begins in the old town of Castell d'Aro, discovers the fountains of these Gavarres’ foothills, which were a very important reference point for all the woodcutters that worked here.

We recommend the Local Natura App to do this route. Download it for free here:

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  • Typology
    Time Circular
  • Difficulty
  • Duration
    1 hour 30 minutes
  • Slope
    250.00 meters
  • Distance
    5.00 km
  • Theme
    Flora and fauna
    Architecture and environment
  • Activity
    By foot
  • Rating

Slope graph


This route allows us to get to know the old train station in Vall d'Aro, the old town of Castell d'Aro, and enter the natural area of Coma’s valley, where the oldest Living Nativity Scene (1959) of Catalonia is held from the Sunday before Christmas until Kings day including a play every weekend and public holidays. We will also discover the background of this municipality of the Costa Brava, where the relief rises to give way to the Gavarres, where we can find hidden corners and secret views for hikers. Places that inspired popular literates and poets, as the poem inscribed, by a pastor in the popular Ferro Fountain, on a granite slab makes us remind of.




Has to be added:




-You can leave the car in the closest areas of the Parc de l'Estació de Castell d'Aro. 




-There is a fountain with potable water in the Plaça de Santa Maria in Castell d'Aro. 


Other equipment:


-At the Ferro fountain, there is a table and two picnic benches.


-Museu de la Nina (link). To check the schedules


-Castle of Benedormiens (links). To check the schedules

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What is there

What to see in: Itinerary Fountain’s Trail

Es mostren 1 - 7 de 7

Bussot’s mill

Point of interest

Old mill. A "farm-mill" was a small hydraulic mill that allowed grinding the grain produced on the farm itself. As a complement to agrarian activity, it could provide service to other farms around it.

Cork Oak Forest

Point of interest

In the past, the richness of the Gavarres’ hills resided in the uses that were made of forest products such as cork, wood, coal or bundles for ovens. Nowadays many of these uses are no longer given...

The wild boar

Point of interest

With the abandonment of forestall areas, one of the animals that has proliferated the most is the wild boar. Boar density is growing year after year. It currently stands between 7-8 individuals per...

Ferro Fountain

Point of interest

It is a ferruginous water fountain, as it can be seen by the orange color that the water leaves at the drainage area. This color is the result of the oxidation and precipitation of iron. History tells...

Pine Forest view

Point of interest

Pine forest (Pinus pinea). Pine trees are adapted to sandy soils and marine environments. It is the pine that produces the biggest and edible pine nuts, reason why they are used gastronomically in...

Fig Trees

Point of interest

Fig trees are native American plants, from where they have spread to other parts of the planet. They have been grown to make fences, for their edible fruits and as low-maintenance ornamental plants...

7 votes
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interessant comprovar que les númeroses fonts que hi havia a les Gavarres antigament es mantenen.

Ruta molt bonica, alhora també molt trist passejar vorales zones cremades dels incendis del passat estiu. Molt recomanable per fer amb gos: Poden refrescar-se, i gaudeixen moltissim. Té trams d’intensitat més forta de desnivell però les vistes valen molt la pena.

What to see in: Itinerary Fountain’s Trail

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What to do in: Itinerary Fountain’s Trail

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