
Blue, pink and green

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The sea, the granite rock and the forest.

A varied itinerary where you can discover the main landscape features that define this Ardenya massif next to San Feliu. We walk along in the shade of the forest to quickly reach the sea, skipping over the pebbles and climbing the cliffs to reach the fantastic Sant Elm lookout point. We will come down next to the Camino de Ronda to come back to Sant Feliu past several lookout points.

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  • Typology
    Anti-clockwise circular
  • Difficulty
  • Duration
    3 hours
  • Slope
    380.00 meters
  • Distance
    7.80 km
  • Theme
    Flora and fauna
  • Activity
    By foot
  • Rating

Slope graph


The sea, the granite rock and the forest.

We are in the extreme North of the Coastal Mountain Range, in the Ardenya-Cadiretes massif, where this stops abruptly at the Mediterranean. The Ridaura plain and its towns, amongst them Sant Feliu de Guíxols, separate us from the last massif of this mountain range: les Gavarres.

This itinerary includes the main natural assets that define this area. Pine forests, cork oaks, cliffs and panoramic views from the lookout points.

We start behind the Monastery and climb paths and tracks in the direction of Monticalvari. We pass through a forest dominated by stone pines of varying density. Cork oaks are scattered about this pine forest and occasionally form clusters where we can find some nice specimens. As we go up, we pass small, dried-up streams, where the change in vegetation is obvious: the trees are larger and we see some remnants of holm oaks with dense, impenetrable undergrowth.

From time to time we will see abandoned ruins of recent occupation (20th Century). Constructions in the form of abandoned castles or country houses, until we reach the cork oak of Ca n'Oliva.

We cross the urbanisation to go down in a sharp zigzag towards the beach of the "Les Penyes" sector. A great natural lookout point with views of the coast in the Tossa de Mar direction. This is where the pink part of the itinerary starts. Granite breaks away in the form of blocks and large rocks above the sea. We are at the water's edge. We can hear the waves breaking and the stones moving beneath the water. We walk in a Northerly direction, jumping over the "skittles". We pass by a few freshwater wells and see how the vegetation also comes right up to the beach. After a short while, enjoying the sea, the stones and the sun, we arrive at the most abrupt part (after sa Platjola), where the beach disappears and the sea meets the rocks. We go up to get past this bit and views to nearby Cala Vigatà (below us) and the beautiful sector of pink cliffs that reach the Punta de la Cova open up.


To the right, above us, Sant Elm guides us. On reaching the chapel we can enjoy panoramic views once again. Now we go down to Punta Garbí, passing the pretty Las Modistas lookout point, where we will recognise part of the path travelled. Now we just have to follow the coastline, with views of Sant Feliu, the beach, the port and the Fortim; and the Camino de Ronda of the Northern sector under the Puig de les Forgues.




  • No féu cas de les marques que trobareu. Aneu comprovant la vostra posició en el track del mòbil.
  • Trams curts però forts, tant de pujada com de baixada.
  • Baixada forta a la costa.
  • Camí per la plata inexistent. Cal buscar com passar per sobre les pedres i els blocs.
  • A l’últim tram de la platja, s'ha de pujar un tros de penya-segat equipat amb graons i cable. (via ferrada de nivell fàcil).
  • Baixar a cala Vigatà és opcional. 
  • Arribar a Sant Elm, també és opcional però val la pena.
  • El tram de costa, és lent de fer. Ens trobarem bolos a la platja, escales de forta pujada, passos de via ferrada.


  • No trobareu fonts.


  • Relliscar als forts pendents de sauló.
  • No deixar els nens sols als trams de penya-segat.
  • No baixeu a la platja si hi ha mala mar.
  • El tram de la platja de les Penyes, es pot fer llarg i pesat. Cal gaudir del paisatge i anar passant per sobre els rocs com si fos un joc. Exercitarem l’equilibri.
  • El tram de via ferrada, és fàcil però cal extremar l’atenció i les precaucions.


  • El recorregut pel bosc és força ombrívol.
  • El tram de costa només està exposat al sol arran de mar.
  • Evitar els dies de vent i mar forta.


  • Accidentat a la costa. Lent de caminar. 
  • Sorrenc als corriols del bosc.


  • Calçat amb bona sola, adherent i resistent.
  • Uns pals de tresc ens poden donar estabilitat. S’han de poder plegar per transportar-los còmodament al tram de via ferrada.
  • Màquina fotogràfica.
  • Aigua i alguna coseta per anar menjant.


  • Baixant a cala Vigatà hi ha un plafó sobre els valors naturals.
  • No oblideu pujar a Sant Elm si no ho heu fet.
  • De tornada podeu passar per l’Oficina d’Informació ubicada al costat del Monestir i programar la visita per un altre dia.

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What is there

What to see in: Blue, pink and green

Es mostren 1 - 13 de 13

Tower of Mirrors

Point of interest

We follow the path to the right. Located in the gardens known as "Can Blasco". According to stories linked to this estate, the tower was designed to take afternoon tea in and was made in the style of...

Monticalvari Mine

Point of interest

This is a very ancient (possibly 17th or 18th Century) water mine excavated into the rock. In the past it supplied water to the town of Sant Feliu, although the water stopped flowing, possibly due to...

Cork bark

Point of interest

Once again, the conditions of the stream favour the undergrowth of the holm oak. Here we find vines such as ivy and smilax aspera; also pistacia lentiscus and buckthorn. Large stone pines occupy the...

The Witch's House

Point of interest

This house that looks like a castle is a place that should have very good views over the valley. Around it are more small, abandoned constructions. Terraces of considerable height. New outbreaks of...

Mas Vista Alegre

Point of interest

We continue through the forest with a mix of pine trees and holm oaks. We are about to reach the top of Monticalvari. We now pass in front of an abandoned farmhouse, Vista Alegre.  A sign of the...

Cork oak

Point of interest

We are next to Ca n'Oliva. We find a pretty cork oak with different feet, often the result of the previous exploitation of the forest to make coal. This is a medium-sized tree (not exceeding 20 metres...

Views to the coast

Point of interest

We are now in the "Les Penyes" sector. Take extreme care when descending the 90m to the beach! We will enjoy fantastic views of the coast, to the North and South. To the South, the first outcrop we...

Cliff vegetation

Point of interest

We are now in "Ses Ulleres" with views to Punta de la Cova and s'Adolitx. We go under the "Les Penyes" sector. The predominating tree here is the stone pine, smaller and more twisted, as the...

“Cala dels Canyissos” Cove

Point of interest

We are now in sa Platjola or Cala Canyissos. As you can see, the reeds come from behind the rocks. Just in front, we have the highest edge of the massif section, above the sea. Here, the granite rocks...

Views to “Cala Vigata” Cove

Point of interest

Just below us we find one of the last coves before Punta Garbí. We can also see the pink-coloured cliffs, rising vertically out of the sea. Cala Vigatà is quiet and its seabed is a landscape of...

Sant Elm chapel

Point of interest

A building that was rebuilt in 1923 as part of the city-garden of the Montaña de Sant Elm Urbanisation (spa, fountains and gardens, modern chalets) managed by businessman Pere Rius i Taulet. In the...

Modistas lookout point

Point of interest

We can see Cala Vigatà from the other side and part of the way we have come. The Punta d'en Bosc and the Cap de la Pola, as well as the "les Penyes" sector we came down through.



Point of interest

Just next to the Las Payesas lookout point. Views to the port over the agaves. To your right, there is a cavity in the rock where a person and a weapon can be hidden. This is a machine gun nest...

6 votes
Ratings with comments Publish rating
Ruta espectacular. No hi ha cap mena de senyalitzacions. Imprescindible GPS. En algunes parts, sobretot a la part de bosc, la ruta i el GPS no coincideixen i cal una mica d intuïció. Molt recomanable!!!!!
Al final del tram de costa no hem trobat la via ferrata i hem tingut de tornar enrrera... Poc recomenable
Profile picture for user juanjo -natura-
Juanjo -natura-

In reply to by eulaliallop@ho…

Hola Eulalia. Quina llàstima. La ruta es preciosa pel seu contrast i nomes cal seguir el track. Al final de cala Canyissos, hi ha un petit tram de 5-8 mts equipat amb passama de cable per no caure i que ens ajuda a enfilar-nos per acabar el recorregut per dalt. Sempre seguiu el track!! Si no coincideix per problemes de satel·lit, no passa res, heu de pendre la direcció que marca i segur que trobeu el pas.
La ruta és fàcil fins arribar a la platja de pedres, després és fa llarg aquest tram ... caminar per sobre del pedrots. Però la meva sorpresa ha sigut la via ferrata del final de la platja... deia les explicacions que era fàcil!! Jo l’he trobat bastant difícil: un tros aeri i un altre molt pendent. El tros aeri... jo l’he passat per sota... arran d’aigua i tris de pendent et pots ajudar d’un cable.. però has de tenir unes bones cames i gens de por. Les vistes molt maques.

What to see in: Blue, pink and green

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What to do in: Blue, pink and green

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