
Turó de Can Camps

Index card


Uplands of the Plana Vallesana. This route to the north of Sant Cugat, an island of woodland between Rubí, Terrassa and Sabadell, offers the chance to climb up to the summit of a hill in the heart of Vallès Occidental and enjoy spectacular views of the shaded slopes of the Collserola massif.

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  • Typology
    Time Circular
  • Difficulty
  • Duration
    1 hour 45 minutes
  • Slope
    195.00 meters
  • Distance
    5.80 km
  • Theme
    Flora and fauna
  • Activity
    By foot
  • Rating

Slope graph


Uplands of the Plana Vallesana. A comfortable and unusual route, taking into account preferences for walking on the shaded slopes of Collserola. Head up the Serralada Central Vallesana, featuring the slopes of Turó de Can Camps and Turó de Materic, (with elevations of around 300 m). The latter offers outstanding views towards Sant Cugat, Collserola and the Serralada Litoral. This small upland area, with completely different geology from Collserola, is a succession of gullies and crests dropping down to the plain where Sant Cugat stands, and from there to the Rubí watercourse. The Torrent de Can Marcet and the Torrent Can Camps are the most significant channels. They are dry for most of the year, and only occasionally in spate. The route heads up along the gently sloping crests, skirting and crossing a number of these channels. The two environments are clearly distinguished by the surrounding vegetation. The crests are wooded with Aleppo pines and the occasional umbrella pine, along with a wide range of shapes and forms of shrub (everything from low undergrowth of rosemary, to taller mastic and strawberry trees). The vegetation along the gullies and their cooler banks is quite clearly different from that to be found on the sunnier crests. Here oaks, holm oaks, elms, hazelnuts and the occasional poplar provide a close, shady and cool environment. It is also an excellent habitat for the local fauna: badgers at dusk and genets at night patrol the riverbanks and hedgerows, while birds such as orioles can be heard in the summertime, and woodpeckers tap away at the dead trees. The return route is via an important historic pathway which leads down the hill slopes: the Camí dels Monjos, or Monks' Way, rounding the outing off with a tale of the Monastery of Sant Cugat.


LAYOUT The route features a combination of tracks open to vehicles, pathways and a few narrow trails. There are various signposts, which should be ignored. There are occasional steep ascents and descents. WATER There are no fountains along the way. PRECAUTIONS Remember that the wider parts (Camí dels Monjos) are open to vehicles. Risk of slipping on certain descents. Steep incline with ravines. There are plenty of pebbles on the paths, making them slippery. Mud is possible after rainfall. EQUIPMENT Comfortable walking footwear. Hiking poles would provide support. OTHER AMENITIES At the summit of the Turó de Materic there is a wind rose with geographical indications.

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What to see in: Turó de Can Camps

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Point of interest

Segons anem pujant, augmenta la presència de còdols a terra. Són resultat de la disgregació dels conglomerats que trobem a la part alta. La baixa resistència erosiva de la cimentació d’aquests, fa que...


Point of interest

Per aquesta zona, estem envoltats d’un arbust dominant. És el llentiscle (Pistacia lentiscus). Aquest arbust pot fer d'1 a 6 m. d’alçada. És de fulla persistent i composta. Si les trenquem, desprenen...

Alzinar de rebrot

Point of interest

Abans que els pins i els conreus ocupessin l’espai, l’alzinar havia de ser el bosc dominant. Aquest alzinar, es va explotar des de molt antic fins a possiblement els finals del XIX. La fusta de l...


Point of interest

(Quercus cerrioides). Sense formar un bosc pròpiament, els roures es troben barrejats amb les alzines o els pins, sempre que es donin les condicions d’humitat al sòl i orientació més ombrívola. La...

Cami Monjos

Point of interest

El Camí dels Monjos, vella via ben coneguda pels excursionistes, travessa els municipis de Sant Cugat del Vallès, Sant Quirze del Vallès, Terrassa i Matadepera. Aquest camí de 25,3 quilòmetres uneix...

5 votes
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No gaire recomanable fer durant l'estiu i amb nens. Cap a l'últim tram el camí és poc accessible i ens hem fet una mica de mal amb les plantes. També està ple de zones plenes de residus de gent que no respecta gaire la natura. Per altra banda, ens va agradar poder veure La Mola, Montserrat, Collserola i, fins i tot, varem veure el mar!
aprop de la ciutat, pero molt natural
Ens ha encantat!!!

What to see in: Turó de Can Camps

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What to do in: Turó de Can Camps

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